Thomas Breitsameter – cultural management
Thomas Breitsameter, born in Munich in 1962, studied viola at the University of Music Würzburg with Prof. Anton Weigert (1984 – 1986) and at the University of Music and Performing Arts “Mozarteum” in Salzburg with Prof. Jürgen Geise (1986 – 1991) and Prof. Peter Langgartner (1991 – 1994). 1987 founding member and participant of the Gustav Mahler Youth Orchestra. 1988 solo violist of the “orchestra dei giovani di alpe adria”. From 1990 – 1997 member of the “Salzburg Chamber Orchestra”, from 1990 – 2000 violist of the “Syrinx Quartet Salzburg”. 1994 Completion of studies in the concert subject viola with the 2nd diploma examination and the “magister artium”. Since August 1995 head of the Music school Mühldorf a.Inn. In 1998 he founded the “Inn-Salzach-Euregio-Jugendorchester”. He has been giving concerts with the salonmusic-ensemble“Saitensprünge” since 1998. In 2000 he founded the duo “As time goes by”.
At schools and music colleges, training to become an instrumentalist is the central, dominant theme. Unfortunately, an existentially important topic is often neglected: the marketing of one’s own skills in the artistic field. The courses on offer give an insight into successful self-management, give tips on how to deal with concert promoters and concert agencies and use case studies to outline the organization of a concert in its preparatory phases. The lecturer Thomas Breitsameter is through his work as a music school director, project manager of the Inn-Salzach-Euregio-Jugendorchester, organizer of the Mühldorf Summer Academy and board member of the “Förderverein Musikfreunde Mühldorf e. V.” is an experienced practitioner in this profession, he has supplemented his know-how by studying culture management at FernUni Hagen.